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Spinach-rice with feta and lemon Greek recipe ''SPANAKORIZO''


1 kg spinach (cleaned, washed and coarsely chopped) 4 leeks (white part cut into washers) 6 fresh onions (finely chopped) 1 large onion (chopped) 1/2 bunch dill (chopped) 2 handfuls of rice (I put nychaki) olive oil 250 grams of tomato juice 1 chopped tomato​​ Salt Pepper fresh juice of 1 lemon


1) Cover the bottom of a casserole with olive oil and saute the onion, fresh onions and leeks. ​​2) Once shine, add the spinach, stir and cover wilted. Spinach will pull out fluids so do not add water immediately rather than below. ​​3) Having our spinach wilted, add the dill,the tomato juice,the chopped tomato, rice, 2 cups of tea water, salt and pepper. ​​4) Boil for 10 minutes more, stirring frequently to avoid sticking our rice. Then withdraw the food from the heat, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave covered to pull fluids. ​​5) Serve with fresh bread ,feta and lemon!

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