Greek zucchini's pancakes
1 kg zucchini tender 1 large onion, grated 2 carrots, grated 2 eggs lightly beaten 1 cup grated Parmesan or feta crumbs 1/2 bunch parsley, finely chopped 1/2 bunch mint, chopped 1/2 bunch chopped dill salt, freshly ground pepper raising flour alone (as take) oil for frying
Wash the zucchini and carrots. The rub on a coarse grater and place in colander. Sprinkle with a little salt to sweat. After 10 to tighten, drain well either by hand or by wrapping them in a towel and twisting tightly. Put them in a bowl. Add the onion, eggs, herbs, cheese and little by little the flour, stirring until you have a moderate porridge. Its composition must be such that when turning the spoon to fall mixture. The amount of flour you get depends on how much liquid will keep vegetables. If the first batch mixture disperses or dissolves, then fill little flour. Good to salted porridge after we add the cheese not made savory pancakes. Heat the olive oil and pour a ladle batter into the pan. It should be as large pancake. Fry 2 on one side and carefully turning the other. Let the pancakes on paper towels to drain.